
Website Copyright Statement

Recently, our company has discovered that some companies/institutions/ individuals are illegally stealing, using, and stealing the web design, product information, pictures, text and other contents of our official website to recruit users and deceive consumers, which seriously infringes our The company’s legitimate rights and interests. For this reason, our company now makes the following statement: Our company is Henan Dongdong Automobile Service Co., Ltd., and its official website is https://www.ddongauto.com/. Please be careful to identify our website to prevent being deceived by false websites.

Copyright Notice:

1. Unless otherwise specified, the copyright for the structure, web design, text, images and other information of this website belongs to Henan Dongdong Automobile Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "the Company" or its providers). Any other person Or other parties may not copy, modify or mirror it on a server that does not belong to the company's website or use it illegally in other ways.

2. The copyright rights of the content and images independently designed, written, and produced by this website belong to the Company. If others or other parties need to reprint or use it in other ways, they must obtain the Company’s written permission and indicate it when using it. The source and copyright are the property of our company.

3. For any behavior that violates relevant national laws and regulations, does not respect the statement of this website, uses the content of this website without the consent of the company, and does not indicate the source, the company will reserve the right to take legal measures to pursue legal liability.

Company logo statement:

Without the written authorization of the Company, no unit or person may use in any way words, graphics or other types of logos that can be used to identify the Company and its related businesses.

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