
Why to Buy An Electric Vehicle

Many people thinking of buying an EV are flooded with information and opinion as the cars have become more popular and widely available in the world. We present the top four reasons why you should make an EV your next car.


Electric cars use much less or even no petrol or diesel fuel at all, cutting your running costs. In terms of electric cars a full charge from empty to full could cost less than a pound for the electricity. It is certainly unlikely to cost more than £3.40 per full charge, which will give you 100 miles range. This is less than the cost of the same journey in a petrol or diesel car.


It’s true that the expensive technologies in flue cars mean they do cost more to buy than a electric car. But this extra cost is mitigated by government tax incentives to encourage people to buy more environmentally friendly cars.


With electric cars, you’ll reduce smog pollution around you right now and cut greenhouse gases to protect people and the planet for years to come. In full electric mode, an electric car produces zero tailpipe emissions, dramatically lowering smog and greenhouse gas emissions even when considering electricity generation.Cleaner cars mean cleaner air and better health.


EVs generally have a lower center of gravity which offers better handling, comfort, and responsiveness. The electric engine provides smooth acceleration and deceleration, and a quiet ride, all of these components make electric vehicles pleasant to drive. And with even more EV models being offered, you're certain to find one that fits your needs and style.

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